About Henry
Henry A. Hamby has been in the practice of manual therapy since 2005. He received his certification from Ontario Bryman College of Manual Therapy in 2006 with a focus in integrated and therapeutic manual therapy . He became a California licensed manual therapist in 2011.
He is a proud practitioner of the Filipino martial art Kali, Brazilian jujitsu, Taekwondo with over 20 years of experience in various other martial arts.
He studied music at Mt. San Antonio College with a focus in voice giving him a better understanding of postural alignment. He was a part of the internationally recognized classical choir, The Mt. SAC Chamber Singers from 2011-2012 and sang at the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York City.
Henry is currently working on his personal Yoga practice to help better him live a more balanced life and help his clients in a more complete fashion.

My Approach

My purpose as a manual therapist is not to fix, but to help facilitate the natural healing ability of the body. What ASB therapy can help heal:
Lower back, neck, and shoulder pain from sitting or standing all day
Physical tension in the body caused by mental and emotional stress
Sports injuries like strains, partially torn ligaments or tendons, or inflammation
Regain mobility in immobile joints
Pain from fibromyalgia
Pre and post surgery treatments
What ASB Therapy cannot help with:
Broken bones
Severely torn ligaments or tendons
Anything needing immediate medical attention
Advanced Sports & Body Therapy is a compilation of sports techniques-- orthopedic, myoskeletal therapy, joint mobilization, PNF stretching (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching), Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT), Structrual Joint Balancing (Voila Method) and suggested strengthening movements to maintain functional balance to the body. All approaches are meant to be performed with little to no pain and with client's participation.